Private Brick Themed Party in our Party Room - Base Party Package Deposit
Private Brick Themed Party in our Party Room - Base Party Package Deposit
Private Brick Themed Party in our Party Room - Base Party Package Deposit
Private Brick Themed Party in our Party Room - Base Party Package Deposit

Private Brick Themed Party in our Party Room - Base Party Package Deposit

Model#/SKU: PartyDeposit
Available: -40

Regular price $50.00 Sale

The full price for the Weekday party is $175.00 before add-ons. Balance of $125 due at the time of the party.

The full price for the Weekend party is $225.00 before add-ons. Balance of $175 due at the time of the party. 

A party in our party room on a weekday includes a 90 minute schedule and a lot of amenities. Parties are NOT Limited to birthday parties. They work great for that, but the party room can be reserved for any meeting, group, executive team, or business for their own use in mixers, LEGO® play or just having fun together!

Party Includes:

  • 30 minutes for Free Play
    Start off with free play with a bulk table full of all sorts of LEGO Bricks and accessories. Allow everyone to play while all the guests arrive and have fun just being excited and creative.
  • 30 minutes for Build-a-Minifig and Race Car Building/Racing
    Each attendee to the party will build their own Minifigure choosing their own Hat/Hair, Head, Torso, Legs and Accessory.
    Birthday child receives two Minifigs. Also, we will have materials so that every child that wants to can build a car to race on our racetrack against other attendees. This is always a lot of fun for the kids!
  • 30 Minutes for Refreshments and play
    Serve your refreshments and if time permits, enjoy more free play or use of our Race Track (if available).

We provide: (Things you do NOT have to worry about)

  • Party Room with Tables for 12 attendees
  • Colorful Table Coverings
  • Plates, Forks, Napkins
  • LEGO-Themed Wall Decorations 
  • A FUN Atmosphere!

Other information:

  • Adult Supervision is Required
    There will be room for up to four adults in the party room to supervise and assist party attendees. All children under the age of 16 must have an accompanying adult with them while at the party. This is a safety and security issue and must be understood. No unattended children in the store.
  • No open drink containers
    Just imagine a sticky, sugary drink getting spilled into a tub of LEGO bricks... Please use juice boxes, milk boxes, Capri Suns, or similar if you provide drinks for the party. 
  • Siblings count
    If any of the children bring siblings with them, they count in the number of attendees. Please either plan to include them or ask that they not attend. It is not fair to have children attend and not be able to participate. Additional Children will be charged $15 each. But we really don't have room for more than 12, so please plan accordingly. 
  • Other Options
    We have additional features that you can add to the party if desired. 
    • Add a Host to keep things lively and assist with all party activities for $50
    • We have pre-assembled Party Favor bags with a Brick Theme for $10 each
    • We have an optional LEGO® build of a piece of Birthday Cake for $29.99
      These can be added to any party, just give us at least a few days notice to make sure we have everything you need at the time of your party. 

Above all, enjoy this time together! Bring your phone or camera. Make Memories. Everyone will remember this party for the rest of their lives.